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The competences that the learner is expected to acquire are clearly spelt out in the modules covered in each of the three terms of an academic year. The modules offered in this course are packaged in a manner that will enable the learner attain particular skills required for performing tasks at any level of the respective academic year of study.

Modules such as Computer Applications, Basic Kiswahili and life Skills, are aimed at enhancing the learner’s computer literacy, report writing, and life skills.

In addition, the following modules: Plumbing Technology, Plumbing Science, Workshop Practice, Drawing and Real Life Project, are aimed at equipping the learner with the core hands-on skills and techniques in the field of plumbing and water engineering.

Applied Technicians Mathematics module is aimed at improving the learner’s ability to judge, make decisions, estimate and cost materials and labour, analyse data and understand trends in the world of work.

The Entrepreneurship Skills module provides the learner with the skills of starting up, profitably managing and sustaining an enterprise in an ethical manner.

Industrial Training, which comes at the end of each academic year, is aimed at bridging the gap between institution-based training and the world of work.

This curriculum, if implemented effectively, will produce Plumbing professionals who are able to:

i) carry out installations of appliances and water pipes.

ii) maintain and repair water facilities and equipment.


iii) install drainage and water disposal systems.

iv) supervise and inspect works, upholding safety, health and environment standards.

v) forge and make fabricated facilities, fittings and products.

vi) start and manage an enterprise.

vii) uphold and promote safety standards in the workplace and general public.